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Senator, Come Visit My Classroom

Lawmakers who think higher education is broken -- and that “innovation” and more assessment can fix it -- would learn a lot from seeing the learning process up close and personal, Bernard Fryshman writes.

New Salvo Against Turnitin

Essay argues the age of big data is the time for professors to reconsider their reliance on the anti-plagiarism business.

Student Evaluations of Professors That Might Help

Despite recent criticism of student reviews of faculty members, there is a system that’s working, AAUP conference is told.

For-Credit MOOC: Best of Both Worlds at MIT?

MIT students reported that taking course online -- instead of same course on campus -- was less stressful than their in-person classes.

Pop Quiz

A dispute about a sociology test question on slave families ended in a lecturer's termination this spring at the University of Tennessee.

The Dehumanities

Many humanists have difficulty presenting their case because they are used to speaking one way among themselves and another way to outsiders, argue Gary Saul Morson and Morton Schapiro.

Conversations in the Global Classroom

Which histories matter? Which literatures? Who gets to decide? These questions are particularly complex with an international student body, writes Deborah L. Williams

Humanities Majors Drop

Declines in bachelor’s degrees awarded are particularly notable for English and history, but trends at community colleges may cheer advocates for the liberal arts.