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More Action on Harassment

A professor is set to challenge his termination over sexual harassment next week as another across the country was placed on leave. On yet another campus, students celebrate the recent departure of a professor found to have committed misconduct.

How Chinese Students Navigate the U.S. University

New book looks at “who changes, how much and into what” with influx of Chinese students into U.S. universities and at the underground learning networks students cultivate.

Teaching and Learning: Lost in a Buzzword Wasteland

Having a theory of how people learn would allow teachers to plan pedagogy more effectively and examine all factors relevant to learning, argue Stephen L. Chew and William J. Cerbin.

Teaching Anthropology in a Red State

Scholars talk strategy, setbacks on teaching in a field that often aligns with progressive policy goals.

A Call to Reform Undergraduate Education

Major study by American Academy of Arts and Sciences seeks change in curriculum and assessment, commitment to funding public higher education, new ideas about the faculty role, and more.

Middle East Tensions, U.S. Classrooms

At Middle East Studies Association conference, scholars take on thorny questions related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in their teaching.

‘Sutherland Springs’

A poem by Laurence Musgrove about teaching and tragedy.

Fighting Censorship … With Trigger Warnings

At National Women’s Studies Association annual gathering, scholar talks using trigger warnings and safe spaces as a way to engage men in feminist discourse.