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Questions From the NLRB

Labor board seeks views on how to evaluate whether adjuncts may unionize at religious colleges, and continued role of Yeshiva decision that largely stopped collective bargaining by tenure-track faculty at private institutions.


Philadelphia's 15,000 adjuncts are being courted by not just one, but two, unions angling for an eventual city-wide contract.

Union Election, Not NLRB Vote

New York University and UAW agree on plan to let grad students vote on collective bargaining, paving the way for return to unionization of teaching assistants at a private university. Expected legal showdown is averted for now.

Why I'm Not Canceling Class

Email from Berkeley lecturer to his students draws praise for his comments on the value of education -- and some criticism for his refusal to honor a picket line.

Adjunct Connections

Union seeking collective bargaining for those off the tenure track wants to attract student support by focusing on debt.

Shift on Grad Unions

NYU offers to permit election on collective bargaining for teaching assistants, but not for research assistants. Move marks shift for university, but union leader says it is based on "arbitrary distinctions."

A Market Approach

Eastern Washington U. and its faculty union agree to base professors' raises on how much above or below the market they are in their disciplines.

Aiming to Organize

AAUP's new head administrator, who comes from a union background, signals a focus on getting more faculty members involved.