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15K Per Course?

It's widely acknowledged that adjunct instructors are underpaid, but just how much do they deserve? A new union proposal shocks some, but others say it's appropriate.

A Day Without Adjuncts

With National Adjunct Walkout Day a month away, interest grows, and it is prompting discussions among faculty leaders. But many supporters feel the need to back the effort in ways other than walking off the job.

Adjunct to Tenure-Track

Arbitrator says U. of Hawaii must hire longtime non-tenure-track faculty member for permanent post. Could contract provision on which ruling was based help others?

Big Union Win

NLRB ruling could clear way for more collective bargaining -- of adjuncts and other faculty members -- at private colleges and universities.

Winning Raises Without Contracts?

Union activity can lead to gains for adjuncts even when drives stall, fail or just loom.

Gag Order in Sunshine State

A Florida community college wants to keep professors from speaking to student journalists.

A Model Emerges

Adjuncts at Tufts say their first union contract, which includes significant pay and job security gains and a right to be interviewed for full-time positions, could be a model for new unions in negotiations elsewhere.
A photo illustration of the Israeli and Palestinian flags, with a rather grimy filter.

Divided Shop

Leaders of UAW union that represents U. of California teaching assistants push for Israel boycott, but some members say this action endangers their academic freedom and the movement to unionize grad students.