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Not the Same University

Missouri Western cuts 30 percent of the faculty, along with programs in history, political science, sociology, economics, music and more.

Canaries in a ‘Toxic Mine’

Professors at Ohio U say tenure-track faculty cuts can't simply be blamed on COVID-19, but rather long-term financial mismanagement.

The ‘Right Not to Work’

Faculty members concerned about health and safety want a say in the conditions under which they'll be working if they are expected to teach in person next fall.

Frozen Searches

Scores of institutions announce faculty hiring freezes in response to the coronavirus.

Fundraising and HR During the Crisis

Experts respond to reader-generated questions about fundraising during the crisis and how to manage human resources as colleges shift to online instruction.

Faculty Home Work

Remote work is proving difficult for many professors, given the circumstances and despite some early predictions to the contrary. What institutions are doing and can start doing to ease the pressure.

Uncertain Fate for Support Staff

What will happen to college food service and custodial workers when campuses are empty? The answer is unclear for most, and layoffs aren't off the table.

Risky Research

An assistant professor says he was fired because he dared to talk about human population variation and got slandered as a eugenicist.