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Past as Prologue

Controversy over Alice Goffman's book lives on, with students at Pomona saying the sociologist's alleged racial insensitivities should disqualify her from a visiting professorship there.

The Other Leonardo

In Finding Fibonacci: The Quest to Rediscover the Forgotten Mathematical Genius Who Changed the World, Keith Devlin helps rescue a mathematician from 13th-century Italy from near total oblivion, writes Scott McLemee.

The Wrong Reviewer

Leading history journal apologizes for assigning review of book on inequality and urban education issues to a professor viewed by many as a white supremacist.

A New Channel for OER

OER provider Lumen Learning joins with Follett to bring open course content to faculty members through the campus bookstore.

‘Doodling for Academics’

A coloring book from the University of Chicago Press? Yes, and it pokes fun at academe.

‘A Mean Amount of Money’

Administrators at CUNY and SUNY look to seize an $8 million opportunity to drastically expand the use of open educational resources at their campuses.

Tax Injustice

In Dirty Secrets: How Tax Havens Destroy the Economy, Richard Murphy describes how the available means of concealing assets are so highly developed that they amount to an alternative global economy, writes Scott McLemee.

Manifold Uses

Manifold, a hybrid publishing platform created by the U of Minnesota Press and CUNY’s Graduate Center, launches in beta form with features supporting experimental scholarly work.