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The Distraction Attraction

A lesson in Ethan Tussey’s The Procrastination Economy: The Big Business of Downtime is that a large, voracious and profitable cultural apparatus is absorbing and monetizing every second of your attention, writes Scott McLemee.


Philosopher discusses his new book about how Americans respond to frank discussions of racism -- and about harassment he received for an essay in The New York Times.

Of Grift and Government

Scott McLemee reviews Can Government Do Anything Right? by Alasdair Roberts.

University Press of New England Will Shut Down

Operation was once supported by 10 colleges, but of late has been backed only by Brandeis and Dartmouth.

Editorial Malpractice?

The editor of a prestigious political science journal uses its website to deny harassment allegations against him, prompting the Midwest Political Science Association to take action critics say it should have taken months ago.

Uncited Research

Analysis suggests big differences among disciplines in the volume of scholarship that fails to garner a citation.

The Polymath

Scott McLemee considers Robert Irwin’s Ibn Khaldun: An Intellectual Biography.

The Data Should Make You Happy!

Michael Roth considers Steven Pinker's paean to progress.