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More Coming This Fall

Scott McLemee reviews some forthcoming titles -- hypertopical and otherwise -- about which readers might want to know.

Read Every Day While You Can

Images, sounds, videos, virtual reality and the many means by which we can alter our state of mind may compete for our time and attention, writes Frank H. Wu, but the pages of a good book give -- and demand from -- us much more.

‘An Inclusive Academy’

Authors discuss their new book that suggests most colleges can do more to diversify their faculties.

'The Work of Literature in an Age of Post-Truth'

Author discusses new book about close reading in the era of Twitter, "fake news" and denigration of the liberal arts.

A Mind at the End of Its Tether

Whether or not madness seems like the right word for such a state of mind, Barbara K. Lipska's The Neuroscientist Who Lost Her Mind: My Tale of Madness and Recovery is likely to make a certain impression on the reader approaching middle age or well into it, writes Scott McLemee.

A Race Against Time to Preserve University Media Collections

Irreplaceable audio and video recordings from the 20th century are languishing in university collections, deteriorating. Can they be saved?

The Hunger Project

Scott McLemee reviews Alex de Waal's Mass Starvation: The History and Future of Famine.

Making 'The Case for Colonialism,' Anew

Journal article that was withdrawn last year amid intense debate is republished by the National Association of Scholars.