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Ronell's Complaint

Avital Ronell's new book, Complaint, is not really about the recent harassment case, writes Scott McLemee. At the same time, it’s not exactly not about it.

Rejecting a Journal

Taylor & Francis says it dropped a journal for commercial reasons. But decision followed disputes between editors and the publisher.

A Tipping Point for Accreditors

Q&A with the co-editors of an anthology of essays on accreditation about new challenges for the college oversight bodies.

'The Coddling of the American Mind'

Co-author of new book discusses its critique of societal values, how young people are taught to think about the world and free exchange of ideas in higher education.

Wrinkles in Time

In Altered States of Consciousness: Experiences Out of Time and Self, Marc Wittmann underscores how little separates ordinary consciousness from other forms of it, writes Scott McLemee.

‘TERF’ War

Philosophers object to a journal's publication of a term referring to radical feminists who don't necessarily count trans women among their ranks. Is it a slur?

Outrage Over University's $999 Online Textbook

An online textbook priced at almost $1,000 has infuriated students trying to navigate an already confusing textbook marketplace, but Louisiana-Lafayette officials insist they had "good intentions."

‘White Kids’

Author discusses her new study of how white children develop ideas about race.