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Censoring a Poet Isn’t the Answer

When it comes to which person convicted of a crime should have their work published or not, none of us are in a position to draw the lines between them, argues Adam Szetela.

Tackling Racism in Textbook Publishing

New guidelines from textbook publisher Pearson aim to dismantle systemic racism in higher ed. Do they go far enough?

Averting Catastrophe, or Not

Scott McLemee reviews Averting Catastrophe: Decision Theory for COVID-19, Climate Change, and Potential Disasters of All Kinds, by Cass R. Sunstein.

More Professors Ditch Print

A majority of faculty members say the pandemic affected their course structures last year. Only 15 percent thought changes were for the better.

Re-Envisioning Humanities Infrastructure

Recognizing the university press community’s essential contributions to that infrastructure will be crucial as institutions and funders plan for the future, write Charles Watkinson and Melissa Pitts.

‘College Belonging’

Author discusses her new book on first-generation students and how they navigate college life.

‘Let’s Be Reasonable’

Professor discusses his book on a "conservative case for liberal education."

The Purposelessness Driven Life

Scott McLemee reviews Tom Lutz's Aimlessness.