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‘Deplorable’ NYU Prof on Leave

An NYU professor who used an anonymous Twitter account to criticize the university, trigger warnings, safe spaces and the ‘academic left’ is on paid leave days after his identity was revealed. What happened?

'Ideas Are Not Crimes'

Report from Scholars at Risk analyzes more than 150 instances of attacks on higher education, including campus attacks, targeted killings, prosecutions and violence against student protestors.

Maine's Merger Mania

Many professors say programs are being combined without enough attention to academic issues and the faculty role.

Inflammatory and Turned Away

Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos is touring college campuses across America, and some universities have shut him out because of his rhetoric against groups too numerous to list.

The Column Liberty Pulled

University blocks student paper from publishing column criticizing Trump. Liberty says it acted because the piece was "redundant" with another. The blocked column may be found at the end of this article.

Middle Ground on Campus Speech

Writers’ group has some concerns but rejects idea of a crisis. It offers guidelines that back free expression but also sympathize with the demands of minority students.

Syllabus as Harassment

Can a syllabus be a form of sexual harassment? And should a professor know when he's being investigated for his extra-credit policy, use of triangles and declaring that his class is not a "safe space"?

Strings Attached

University of Kentucky senate opposes terms of proposed $10 million deal with Koch and Papa John's CEO to establish center for the study of free enterprise -- funds for which could be revoked at any time.