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From Unruly Hearts to Open Minds

Michael S. Roth examines campus intellectual diversity in the age of polarization.

Whose Speech Is Free? And at What Social Cost?

Some “free speech” proponents only support perspectives that have advantaged them -- at the expense of social progress, argues Christina Berchini.

Stealth Attack on Liberal Scholar?

Historian alleges coordinated criticism of her latest book, which is critical of radical right, from many who have received Koch funding.

Leap of Faith

Deciding to unionize alongside part-timers could have backfired on Notre Dame de Namur’s tenured and tenure-track faculty members. Here’s how it didn’t.

Trinity Suspends Targeted Professor

Trinity College in Connecticut places Johnny Eric Williams on leave over controversial comments about race. Faculty groups say college is undermining academic freedom.

Old Criticisms, New Threats

Professors are often lightning rods, but many see a new menace to academic freedom in recent physical threats against faculty members who speak out on race and other issues.

Do Free Speech and Inclusivity Clash?

At meeting of college lawyers, panelists rue students’ lack of understanding of First Amendment and share strategies for balancing expression and sensitivity.

Protect Scholars Against Attacks From the Right

As right-wing groups scale up their attacks on higher education, colleges and universities need to take bold steps to support scholars who are being targeted, argue Jessie Daniels and Arlene Stein.