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‘The Man-Not’

Tommy Curry, the philosopher at Texas A&M whose comments on race set off a furor, discusses his new book on how critical theory has ignored the realities of black maleness.

Protest During Poli-Sci Meeting

Critics hold signs during talk by John Yoo, demanding that controversial Berkeley professor be fired and excluded from speaking at such meetings.

Economics Faculty War

New Koch-backed institute at the University of Utah is raising questions about academic freedom and whether the center is designed to compete with Utah’s existing economics department.

Inequality and 'The Once and Future Liberal'

In his writings, Mark Lilla calls for images of solidarity to replace what he sees as an unhealthy emphasis on difference, but till now such solidarity has come at the expense of all too many people, argues Michael S. Roth.

Termination for Harvey Tweet

University of Tampa fires a professor who suggested Texas deserved the hurricane for helping put President Trump in the White House.

Call for Retraction

Dartmouth professors ask president to apologize for his "disavowal" of of a controversial scholar who writes about and is sympathetic to "antifa" activism.

A U.S. University Cuts Itself off From Cuba

After meeting with hardline, anti-Castro leaders, University of Miami says it won't enter into institutional agreements with Cuba. But what do faculty members think?

Cambridge Press Changes Course on Chinese Censorship Request

Facing intense criticism for caving to censors, Cambridge University Press restores access to more than 300 journal articles it had blocked in China -- but the problem for publishers isn’t going away. Chinese authorities also try to block articles from another journal.