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Tenure for Teachers Only

University of Hawai‘i is considering major changes to its tenure system, including limiting tenure to instructional faculty only, tying hires and tenure to enrollment and unit “success,” and involving the administration in posttenure review.

Fired for Tweeting About Mike Pence?

Two former faculty members sue Collin College, saying they were let go for criticizing the college’s COVID-19 response and otherwise exercising their right to free expression.

A Canceled Lecture, Revived

A canceled lecture divides MIT and prompts a review, even as the talk finds new life at Princeton University.

Alumni Organize to Protect Free Speech

Alumni free speech groups from a handful of institutions establish an alliance to protect freedom of expression, ensure viewpoint diversity and combat “cancel culture” across academe.

Tenure Changes Ahead

The Board of Regents for all 26 University System of Georgia institutions says it wants to make posttenure review better, but professors say it’s really weakening tenure by subverting due process.

Texas Abortion Law Threatens Academic Freedom

While the law has received much warranted attention, including numerous legal challenges, what’s missing is the risk for educators of potential lawsuits, writes Andrew Joseph Pegoda.

A Canceled Talk, and Questions About Just Who Is Politicizing Science

A professor of climate science who opposed diversity initiatives cries foul over a canceled lecture. His supporters say this threatens science communication, but he’s been invited to speak at MIT in another capacity.

Academic Integrity, or Insubordination?

Truckee Meadows Community College seeks to terminate a tenured professor of math for being repeatedly uncooperative, but the professor says he was standing up for math standards.