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Blackballed at Arizona?

Faculty members at the University of Arizona say they’ve been blocked from service on a key committee because they’ve criticized the institution in the past. What’s going on?

University Tells Professors to Stay ‘Neutral’ on Abortion

Citing new and existing state laws, University of Idaho tells employees what they can (and mostly can’t) say and do regarding abortion. The institution says it may also cease to provide birth control.

Fla. System Chancellor Search Mired in Politics

Only eight applicants applied to lead the State University System of Florida, a job that went to Ray Rodrigues, a Florida state senator and ally of Republican governor Ron DeSantis.

Why Emporia State Axed 33 Employees

Emporia State cut tenured faculty as part of a controversial workforce-management policy. Officials promise a reinvestment of resources, but critics distrust leadership and fear the worst.

Addressing a Professor’s Use of the N-Word

A professor at Claremont McKenna accuses it of violating his academic freedom, but the college pokes holes in his story. Beyond these competing narratives, how should colleges respond to student complaints about professors quoting racial slurs in class?

Backlash to Dr. Leana Wen Talk on Backlash

Members object to American Public Health Association’s speaker invite to Dr. Leana Wen, revealing deep divisions in the field over the COVID-19 response.

Pressure Over Trans Activist

U of California, Santa Cruz, faces online mobbing over a trans student’s controversial activism.

Allegations of Board Overreach

Why did the University of Florida suddenly fire its honors program director?