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'UnKoch My Campus'

Student groups around the country, led by Florida State University students, protest corporate money and influence in academics, with a focus on the Koch brothers.

Is BDS Anti-Semitic?

In the new book The Case Against Academic Boycotts of Israel, a key theme is the relationship between anti-Semitism and the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement.

Costume Fail

Costume company's idea of a female Ph.D. derided as sexist and foolish by real female Ph.D.s.

Berkeley Chancellor Blocks Bill Maher From Being Blocked

Student group that invites commencement speakers votes to rescind invitation to controversial comedian, but chancellor vetoes their move, citing the importance of free speech.

Invoking Incivility

A professor's comments opposing the American Studies Association's boycott of Israeli universities became the subject of a disciplinary investigation at Fordham University.

Red-Faced Over Sex Weeks

Facing backlash, some colleges are apologizing or pushing for more toned-down events -- even though the original concepts have won praise from experts.

Civility and Free Speech

Henry Reichman argues that several recent statements from college leaders indeed pose a threat to academic freedom.

'Red Lines' On Israel

Princeton professor protests his preemptive exclusion from a panel based on his support of the academic boycott of Israel.