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Boston U distances itself from an incoming professor's controversial remarks about white male college students.

We've Got Your Back

When a Polk State professor found himself accused of being anti-Christian, the college's leaders answered back -- and said he was entitled to academic freedom.

Take It Down

Should U of Minnesota have investigated and questioned the judgment of professors whose poster promoting a panel discussion on the Charlie Hebdo murders offended Muslim students?

Censure Threat

AAUP report on Steven Salaita case at U of Illinois says the institution summarily dismissed him for protected, extramural speech. University could face formal vote of censure.

Failing the Entire Class

Professor at Texas A&M at Galveston was so frustrated with students' performance that he told them he wouldn't pass anyone and that he was done with them. Administrators had other ideas.

Too Rude for Tenure?

U of North Georgia professor whom the university intended to fire for a pattern of rude behavior has agreed to retire. Her colleagues continue to debate whether university did the right thing or hurt tenure.

Evolved Out of a Job?

Theologian who wrote of ability of Christians to embrace evolution loses his tenured position at Northwest Nazarene U. -- and his supporters aren't accepting the university's explanations.

Making It Official

Johns Hopkins decides that it's time to spell out what academic freedom means at the institution.