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Blind Review Is Blind to Discrimination

Editors and event organizers should not accept proposals from researchers representing institutions with policies that discriminate against LGBTQ students and staff, Kim Manturuk writes.

‘Retract or Attack?’

Two white Africanists publish an article on centering the scholar’s personal experience to help “decolonize” African studies. A call for retraction follows.

An Academic Influences a Killer

The Buffalo shooter drew inspiration from a University of Notre Dame professor, among others. What’s to be done about academic racism and its apparent link to race-based violence?

An Off-Brand Hire

Can a white woman from outside higher ed lead marketing and recruitment at an all-male historically Black college? Morehouse College leaders decided she could. Some alumni strongly disagree.

Diversity Statements Are the New Faith Statements

The diversity statements secular colleges increasingly require of faculty candidates have many similarities to the faith statements long required by religious institutions, Justin P. McBrayer writes.

Tenure: The Black Box

Spring brings news of tenure decisions—not always the good kind. Stories of negative tenure bids at Penn State and Yale raise questions about whether the process is just.
The U.S. Supreme Court, with its red velvet drapes and white columns.

Making Their Arguments Against Affirmative Action

Thirty-four briefs argue that Harvard and UNC, and other colleges that base their admissions plans on the Grutter decision, should be forced to change.

Righting ‘Historical Wrongs’

Campus leaders and state policy makers are introducing tuition waivers for Native American students at colleges and universities across the country.