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Asians and Affirmative Action

Asian-American groups urge Supreme Court to bar race-conscious admissions, renewing debate over the impact of such policies.

Career Edge for HBCU Grads

New study -- in challenge to a 2007 finding -- says black graduates of historically black colleges fare better in their careers than do those who earn degrees from other institutions.

Restroom Choice

Jennifer Braly, a transgendered student who is a junior at U. of Arkansas-Fort Smith, is now allowed to use female restrooms. Advocates say colleges have been too slow to accommodate such students.

Gay Voices at a Christian University

An underground group at Biola U. goes public with fliers and a website. The university removes the fliers but also issues a new statement on human sexuality.

Sending Catholics Running for Cover

Nondiscrimination policies like Vanderbilt University's that define who can lead student groups are evidence less of a campus "war on God" than of the tyranny of "inclusion," writes Louis Betty.

Tide Shifts on Title IX

In perhaps the biggest campus change yet from a federal push for more accountability on sexual harassment allegations, North Carolina decides its unique student-run court is not fit for such hearings.

A Textbook Case

Supreme Court will decide on whether less expensive, foreign-made editions of textbooks can be lawfully sold to thrifty U.S. students.

Backwards on Racial Understanding

The longer students are in college, the less likely they are to be interested in promoting understanding across lines of race and ethnicity, study finds.