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(Mis)Judging Female Scientists

Prominent researcher’s Facebook post calling women at a neuroscience conference “unattractive,” and lamenting lack of "super model types," sets off debate about sexism in science.

How Inclusive is Diversity?

Gallaudet's decision to suspend and to rehire its chief diversity officer over her stance against gay marriage raises issues about administrators' rights and responsibilities.

'I'm Not Racist, But'

Recent incidents bring to light the problem of discrimination against international students.

Calling Out Academic 'Mansplaining'

Professor starts website for colleagues to report on the condescending counsel they receive from some male colleagues.

Think Outside 'The Box'

Students and counselors perceive a bias against Asian Americans in elite university admissions and say reticent college officials aren’t helping the situation.

Scrutiny for Affirmative Action

During oral arguments before Supreme Court, University of Texas faces skepticism from justices whose votes it needs to preserve consideration of race and ethnicity in admissions.

Rallying Outside the Court

Hundreds of people gather on Supreme Court steps to demonstrate their support for the University of Texas and affirmative action.

A New Affirmative Action

A report out today argues that class-based college admissions policies would be an effective replacement for race-based affirmative action, which is at stake in an upcoming Supreme Court case.