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Shades of Bias

Study of British students points to potential for bias in academic hiring.

Dining Disabilities

Justice Department settlement with Lesley U. suggests that colleges may need to add specialized mealtime services for students with food allergies.

Sexual Assault and Study Abroad

New preliminary research suggests that the risk of sexual assault for female undergraduates increases during study abroad.

Women and Tenure at DePaul

With several high-profile disputes recently settled, and another in litigation, questions arise about university's commitment to diversity and academic freedom, as well as its tenure process.

Free Speech Limited for HR Official

Appeals court says University of Toledo had right to fire human resources director for op-ed questioning legitimacy of gay rights.

No Longer a Silent Minority

This year, gay students at evangelical colleges have been increasingly organized and vocal in pressing for change.

Rejecting Tenure and Paying for It?

In an unusual twist, a Texas Tech professor is suing the university for allegedly denying him high-profile jobs based on his skepticism of a status most faculty members want.

U. of Iowa Will Ask

Applicants don't have to tell, but they can indicate their identification as gay, and can select transgender as their gender. Iowa is the first major public university to make the move.