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Salary Ceiling for Women Only?

Is it fair for a university to tell a championship-winning women's coach that she won't be renewed in part because of her salary? When the coach of the equivalent men's team earns more?

Winning the Wrong Contest?

Study finds that women in political science are likelier than men to be honored for teaching. But does this help them get ahead?


At annual meeting, historians discuss ways to engage students on protests in Ferguson, Mo., and elsewhere.

Compassionate But Impartial

Paperwork aside, Title IX coordinators say their jobs take an unusual emotional toll and encourage peers to exercise self-care.

Grades, Finals and Protests

Oberlin refuses demand to bar F grades while protests continue over police shootings. How flexible should colleges be for students feeling vulnerable over current events? How flexible should students be about protests in the library during finals?

Law School Trigger Warnings?

Professor sets off debate by writing that student requests to avoid discussions on rape law are limiting important parts of legal education. Some faculty say that they don't avoid the topic, but handle discussions in different ways than they do other subjects.

Rethinking Everything … Literally

Working with a group of students who are linear thinkers by nature has forced Lee Burdette Williams to block that metaphor.

Second Thoughts

Study finds that female and minority Ph.D.s in biomedical fields are more likely than others to lose interest in faculty careers while earning their doctorates.