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The Next Equity Challenge?

The long-lasting unequal outcomes in higher education -- especially among Latino, black, Native American and underserved Asian-American students -- are evidence that we haven't made needed changes in the classroom, writes Estela Mara Bensimon.

Campuses as Racial Utopias?

It depends on whom you ask, write David L. Brunsma, David G. Embrick and James M. Thomas, who contend that institutional leaders often try to deny racial tensions on their own campuses.

Renewing Alliances in Troubled Times

Simple characterizations of campus protests as confrontations between hypersensitive students and fearful campus employees do little to advance the goal of achieving equity in higher education, write Magdalena L. Barrera and Shelley S. Lee.

Federal Interpretation -- or Legislation?

Federal court ruling on Obama administration guidance on use of school facilities by transgender students could clear the way for a challenge to the Education Department's 2011 letter on campus sexual assault.

The Centrality of Dual Career for Recruiting Women

Study: female academics more likely than male partners to turn down good academic jobs without a good opportunity for male partner -- even when a woman has more stature in academe than her partner does.

More Faculty Diversity, Not on Tenure Track

Colleges hire more minority and female professors, but most jobs filled are adjunct, not tenure track, study finds.

The Case for Religious Studies

In today's environment, an understanding of the different religions of the world is not a luxury but a necessity, writes William "Chip" Gruen.

Second Thoughts on Bias Response Teams

U of Iowa, responding to criticism of practices at other colleges, says it will hold off on starting a team until it can do so in a new way.