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Ending Honors for Racists

University of Michigan will rename two buildings -- one honoring a late president and the other a late professor -- after research showed them both to have promoted bigoted ideas.

A Racial Slur in a White Sport

Virginia Tech's women's lacrosse team has come under fire for singing a song with a repeated racial slur, leading many to say the incident highlights a lack of diversity in the game.

Tuition Hikes Hurt Diversity

New study examines impact of tuition increases. Nonselective institutions see the greatest decline in diversity.

Creating Racially and Ethnically Diverse Faculties

We must change hiring practices to produce racially and ethnically diverse faculties, argues Estela Mara Bensimon.


SUNY Binghamton engineering professor offends many by asking about a “white” engineering society in response to an email from a black students’ group.

Punishing Women for Being Smart

Employers favor new college graduates with moderate academic success but not high achievement, study finds. New male graduates' grades don't seem to have much impact.

Does Online Reinforce the Color Line?

Online education is an engine of racial inequality, argue Christopher Newfield and Cameron Sublett, and no good higher ed policy can be created ignoring that fact.

‘I Am First Gen’

An Arizona community college wants to tackle poverty by helping its students and faculty members celebrate being the first in their families to attend college.