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A Win for LGBTQ Rights, or a Loss for Religious Freedom?

Supreme Court of Canada says law society acted reasonably in denying approval to proposed Christian law school with a code of conduct prohibiting same-sex sexual activity.

Smoking Gun on Anti-Asian Bias at Harvard?

Internal reports, released by those suing the university, show use of personality rankings in ways that hurt Asian applicants' chances of admission. Under academic criteria only, their numbers would go way up.

States Struggle to Close Degree-Attainment Gaps

Across the country very little progress has been made in closing degree-attainment gaps among white, black and Latino adults, hindering goals to increase the overall number of adults with degrees.

Dividing World History

Another AP history exam comes under scrutiny, with critics saying a proposed rewrite of the AP World History exam, focusing on events after 1450, is too Eurocentric.

Supporting Latinx Scholars Through Academic Ninos

Alicia Garcia and Magdalena L. Barrera explore the benefits of a relationship between a graduate student and professor that is professional yet deeply collegial.

The Minority-Serving-College Mobility Bump

Lower-income students who attend minority-serving colleges are more likely to move up in economic status, according to a new report, despite the fact that those colleges tend to have less money.

Defending Affirmative Action

With lawsuit against Harvard about to go to trial, university's president warns against "misleading, selectively presented data."

Bullying and Free Speech

Justice Department backs suit against University of Michigan rules -- on same day the university says it has "clarified" those rules.