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The Kids Are All White

University of Maryland's counseling center is criticized for a flier advertising a support group for white students who want to learn about race.

Pomp, Circumstance and a Little Less Personality

University of Florida is eliminating graduation ceremonies featuring every graduate walking across the stage. Many students are angry and see a link to dispute that set off racial debate at spring ceremony.

Men Benefit Most from Nondegree Credentials

A new analysis of federal data about holders of certificates, licenses and certifications shows that women pay more and get less for the increasingly popular credentials.

Turned Away for Being Gay

A Christian university in Pennsylvania has refused to let a gay student who is just six credits short of his degree re-enroll after officials unearthed his sexuality.

Missouri 3 Years Later: Lessons Learned, Protests Still Resonate

The University of Missouri has new administrators, new policies and, leaders say, a new attitude after concerns over the racial climate in Columbia exploded in 2015. But challenges loom, and some are far from convinced enough has changed.

Black Activists Need Not Apply

Study suggests that those who are "racially apolitical" are more likely than others to receive attention from admissions officers.

An 'Unprecedented' Direction for Title IX

Experts say an appeals court ruling has wide implications for due process in campus sexual assault cases.

Brandeis Confronts Bigotry -- and Those Who Looked the Other Way

University demotes two high-ranking administrators after they apparently failed to follow policy in investigating and disciplining a reportedly racist coach.