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No Clear Answers

Professors and students at UNC Chapel Hill demand to know why journalist Nikole Hannah-Jones was not offered tenure. The university and its governing board still aren't saying much at all.

Enforcing Religious Values or Stifling Dissent?

A recent graduate of Louisiana College says administrators used strict social media policies to censor criticism of the college. College officials say they are within their rights to protect the reputation of the institution.

Guess Who’s Coming to the Lecture?

Unlike the controlled environments of physical classrooms, online education can directly expose those of us doing antiracist work to unintended and hostile audiences, writes Mark James.

Beyond Implicit Bias

Are implicit bias workshops just a Band-Aid approach to racial justice and equity challenges on campuses, or can they actually have an impact? Edward Pittman provides some answers.

Beyond Dollars and Cents

The full value of higher education can’t be measured in financial outcomes alone but must also take into account the advancement of social justice, argue Kayla C. Elliot and Tiffany Jones.

Education Behind and Beyond Bars

Spurred by the national focus on racial justice and socioeconomic disparities revealed by the pandemic, the country's higher education institutions and philanthropists are ramping up efforts to serve students currently or formerly in prison.

Are Universities Contributing to Religious Polarization?

Ilana Horwitz explores some of the consequences of higher education institutions sweeping religion under the rug.

What's in a Name?

In June, Washington and Lee University will announce whether it will change its name, which honors a Confederate commander. The decision can't make everyone happy.