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Storm Over Sexual Orientation

Though a new pro-LGBTQ group on Samford University’s campus has been approved by both students and faculty, it has roiled Alabama Baptists.

$1.43 Million Wake-Up Call

Experts say jury award to former Iowa athletics official points to gender and sexual orientation bias issues present at many colleges and universities.

Defining ‘Harm’ in the Tuvel Affair

The philosophers who sought the retraction of a colleague’s article comparing transgender identity to transracialism have done the real damage in this situation, José Luis Bermúdez writes.

Women in Leadership Searches

Female candidates tend to do better as recruitment processes progress, a study finds.

Gender Gaps Shrinking and Lingering

New research suggests limited role for gender in predicting whether new Ph.D.s will get tenure-track jobs, but notable differences on pay and other issues, favoring men.

Is Change Ahead for Title IX?

Michael T. Raupp explores whether a recent court of appeals decision on sexual orientation discrimination will result in new interpretations.

‘Publishing While Female’

Female economists write papers that are more readable than those produced by their male counterparts but take significantly longer to get published, study finds.

Court: Deep Springs Can Admit Women

An unusually small and rigorous college has been trying to become coeducational since 2011. A California appeals court might make that possible.