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3 Campus Groups That Especially Need Support

Come what may between now and Inauguration Day, their future may be murky at best and debilitating at worst, warns José Villalba.

10 Times Better for Our Democracy

That's what the new rules for Title IX are, argues Meg Mott.

Gender Bias in TA Evals

We know about gender bias in student ratings of professors. A new study finds the same, troubling trend in evaluations of teaching assistants.

Women Are Falling Behind

Large-scale study backs up other research showing relative declines in women's research productivity during COVID-19.

Seeking Fair Pay

Five female professors sue Rutgers, saying the university hasn't delivered on its new salary equity adjustment program despite demonstrated disparities.


Female academics saw their own experiences in the vice presidential debate's gendered and racialized dynamics.

Paying for Inequity

Princeton settles with federal government in pay gap case and will pay more than $1 million to female faculty.

Women in Leadership: Challenges and Recommendations

Even in top positions, women face challenges within institutional structures, systems and mind-sets that require transformative change, argue M. Cristina Alcalde and Mangala Subramaniam.