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Disabled Student Unions Fight for Better Accessibility

Spurred by the pandemic, student unions for disabled students are emerging to demand more accommodations, create support communities and raise public awareness of the challenges their population faces.

When Does Someone Have a Long COVID Disability?

New federal policies will probably create challenges for everyone—students, employees and higher ed institutions alike—but institutions should take particular notice, Howard Pashman writes.

Supporting Students With Long COVID

Disabilities services professionals want to get the word out about how students may be affected by long COVID. A new workbook offers tips for those helping these students navigate college while coping with the virus's lingering effects.

Removing Barriers for Students With Disabilities

A bill supported by Democrats and Republicans would eliminate the costs and burdens that students with disabilities face in accessing college accommodations.

Broadening the Right to Sue

Federal appeals court says blind students have broad right to sue Los Angeles Community College District.

Accessibility Gains Must Become Lasting Learning Practices

We must broaden our focus to create inclusive learning environments that recognize and remove barriers, creating a more equitable system for all, write Raghu Krishnaiah and Kelly Hermann.

A Difficult Pathway

Faculty members with disabilities say stigma prevents some from being open about their conditions, and the path to the academy still has its barriers.

On Leave and on Their Own

Boston University mental health experts published a set of guides for helping students who take leaves of absence for psychological reasons.