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Endowment Returns Tumble

Endowments post lowest returns since 2016, but the slide isn't enough to keep 10-year averages from hitting a target.

Now Is the Time for Hard Decisions

The president and provost of Ithaca College describe why they think strategic change in higher education is crucial now.

State Higher Ed Funding for Next Year Looks Like a Mixed Bag

California, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa and Kentucky are looking at spending more on colleges and universities in the upcoming fiscal year. Georgia, Hawaii, Nevada and North Dakota eye cuts.

New Programs: Entrepreneurship, Nursing, Software Engineering, Ocean Sciences

Berkshire Community College is starting a certificate in entrepreneurship. New York University is starting an M.S. in clinical research nursing...

Eyeing a Crosstown Merger

Saint Joseph's University and the University of the Sciences make a play for scale and health-care programs, but issues of identity will need to be addressed.

Open Season on the Faculty

It's a jungle out there for faculty members this legislative session, with state bills banning certain courses and content and, in Iowa, seeking to survey faculty members on their political beliefs.

New Programs: Nursing, Culinary Business, Marketing Analytics, Art, Marine Science, Environmental Horticulture

Emporia State University is starting a master of science in nursing program. Hudson County Community College, in New Jersey, is...

Gee's Tax Take in the Spotlight

West Virginia University and its president choose words carefully as lawmakers float eliminating the state income tax -- which could end a source of revenue that goes to funding higher education.