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At Temple University, protecting sensitive data comes before protecting the device used to access it.

Hacking the Competition

How did the leader of the higher ed technology company Symplicity lead a conspiracy that could now land him behind bars?

Pushback on Australian Fee Hike

Opposition grows from institutions and students to government's plan to uncap university tuitions and impose interest rates on student loans.

Summer Scramble

What happens after tuition-dependent private colleges miss their enrollment goals? Depends on the campus.

Divestment From ‘Moral Evil?’

Faculty at the University of Pennsylvania are pushing the college to to sell its tobacco stocks -- which some of its peers did two decades ago.

Unlikely $25 Million

Calvin College asks donors to pay down its debt, and, remarkably, they agree to do so.

Jobless in Two Days

Quinnipiac professors are still 'reeling' from a rapid-fire round of faculty layoffs and wondering why some faculty jobs are being eliminated even as new ones are being created.

Making Sallie Mae Pay

Federal regulators announce two settlements over alleged overcharging of military servicemembers and misrepresenting late fees to other borrowers.