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Checking All the Boxes, to No Avail

Green Mountain College in Vermont tried many of the most popular strategies to set itself up to survive in the face of harsh population trends, but it didn't work. What does that mean for other private liberal arts colleges?

Former EDMC Campuses Bought by Private Investors

Private investment firm, through newly created nonprofit, buys several Art Institutes and South University campuses, raising concerns about transparency and the viability of former for-profit institutions.

Regulating College Closures

Massachusetts takes a swing at regulating small colleges at risk of shutting down in order to better protect students. Institutions at risk would have to be public about their financial vulnerabilities 18 months before a possible closure.

Rethinking State Authorization, Again

The U.S. Department of Education is contemplating going back to the drawing board on complex rules governing authority to operate online programs in multiple states.

‘A Marginally Better Year’ for State Funding

Latest annual survey finds state support for higher education rose 3.7 percent in fiscal year 2018-19, up from just 1.6 percent the previous year.

VA Inspector General Cites Poor Oversight of College Programs Approved for GI Benefits

Millions of dollars in veterans' benefits may be going to colleges and programs that don't offer a quality education.

A 10% Tuition Cut, but Who Benefits?

Ontario cuts domestic student tuition by 10 percent while scaling back aid spending. Colleges won't be made whole, and students who got grants covering their full tuition will receive a portion of their aid in loans.

Bloomberg's Gift and the Role of Endowments

The unprecedent size and chief intent of the donation help perpetuate notions that merit re-examination and debate, argues Arthur M. Hauptman.