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Not Just a Case Study

Susan Henking shares some of the fundamental lessons she learned in merging the college she led with another.

Restructuring -- and Re-Missioning -- the University of Wisconsin System

Will merging institutions strengthen the system or hasten its decline, asks Tara DaPra, who has taught at one of its four-year universities as well as in its community colleges.

A Merger Brews in Boston

Boston University and Wheelock College enter talks to combine the institutions.

What the Purdue-Kaplan Deal Means for You

It represents five broad trends that all higher education institutions should heed, writes Melanie Ho.

Not Immune From Consolidation Talk

Two Roman Catholic universities ask if they can do a better job of serving the Miami area together.

Vermont's Merger Map

Experts praise a proposed arrangement -- which system officials avoid calling the "M-word" -- but faculty members on the affected campuses worry about local identity.

Partnership or Merger? You Decide

Soon, the University of Maryland's College Park and Baltimore campuses could be combined. Will College Park's growing influence help the university system's other campuses -- or marginalize them?

Between Consortia and Mergers

A new report recommends a form of strategic alliance among colleges that is more substantive than consortia but less likely to fail than outright marriages.