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Senators Start In on HEA

Two key senators circulate legislative proposals as the reauthorization of the Higher Education Act heats up in Congress.

More Short Than Venti?

The new Starbucks scholarship program is being set up in a way that will limit participation levels, and shouldn't be viewed as a national model, writes Robert Kelchen.

A Nudge to Renew

Text messages encouraging first-year community college students to fill out federal student aid form boost persistence to sophomore year, study finds.

Loan Bill Blocked

Senate Republicans prevent passage of legislation to let student loan borrowers lower their interest rates.

Funding Boost for NIH

National Institutes of Health would see increase of more than 4 percent next year under a Senate budget measure drafted Tuesday. The maximum Pell award would also grow.

Pushback on Australian Fee Hike

Opposition grows from institutions and students to government's plan to uncap university tuitions and impose interest rates on student loans.

Summer Scramble

What happens after tuition-dependent private colleges miss their enrollment goals? Depends on the campus.

Making Sallie Mae Pay

Federal regulators announce two settlements over alleged overcharging of military servicemembers and misrepresenting late fees to other borrowers.