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Push for Debt Forgiveness

Education Department officials say they will work through Jan. 20 to review claims of defrauded students, but borrowers and advocates call for more urgency.

U.S. Underestimates Cost of Loan Programs

GAO report faults Education Department for serious ‘shortcomings’ in estimating cost of income-based repayment programs, giving new ammunition to congressional Republicans.

Borrower Defense Rules Finalized

Education Department releases regulations to protect student borrowers against fraudulent and abusive institutions. Although rules are aimed at for-profit colleges, critics say they could have repercussions for all colleges.

Growing Racial Disparities in Student Debt

Consumer advocates say a Brookings study highlights the need for comprehensive federal data on the relationship between college loan debt and race.

Senate Higher Ed Post Up for Grabs

As Election Day nears, it's uncertain who would lead the Senate committee that would handle key higher education legislation -- including a "free college" proposal if Hillary Clinton is elected -- in the next Congress.

Welfare Funds for Students Far From Welfare

Michigan uses millions in federal welfare funds for grants to private colleges -- and some of the money flows to students from middle class and affluent families.

When PLUS Is a Minus

Admissions counselors raise concerns over some colleges packaging PLUS loans in financial aid award letters, possibly misleading families about cost of attendance.

Looking for a New Home

National accreditor ACCSC gets inquiries from nearly 300 colleges overseen by ACICS, most of them for-profits. Critics of accreditors will be watching as the agency reviews the flood of applications.