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Democratic Hopefuls Back Pell Grants in Prisons

Most candidates seeking Democratic nomination support repealing ban on federal aid for incarcerated students. One of the few exceptions? Joe Biden, author of the crime law that enacted the ban.

Rewriting the Rule Book for College Accreditors

Trump administration seeks overhaul of federal standards for college accreditors, arguing current rules stifle innovation. But critics say proposed changes water down oversight.

Is College Worth It? Yes

New study shows that, from a financial standpoint alone, earning a bachelor's degree is on average a sound investment.

Battle Lines Drawn on a Student Loan Alternative

Senator Elizabeth Warren and congressional Democrats question Trump administration's plans to back income-share agreements -- and demand answers from colleges offering the financing, too.

A Gift That Will Keep Giving

A pledge to pay off the student loans of the entire graduating class at Morehouse College highlights racial disparities in student debt and turns into a clarion call for black business executives to help.

Six Figures in Debt for a Master's Degree

New data from Education Department put spotlight on high borrowing for some graduate programs. But experts are skeptical more information on students alone will move the needle on enrollment decisions.

Turning to Courts for Loan Forgiveness

As months pass without action by the Trump administration on loan-forgiveness claims, some borrowers who attended defunct for-profits find success clearing loan debt through the courts.

Boosting Aid With a Tax on Business

Washington State's new scholarship program, which will help make college free for thousands of students, will be funded by a tax on businesses that need highly skilled and educated employees.