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Dating Polynesian Settlement

In today’s Academic Minute, Simon Fraser University's David Burley examines how radiometric dating techniques are improving our understanding of exactly...

Barnacle Reproduction

In today’s Academic Minute, the University of Alberta's Richard Palmer describes a surprising find about how some barnacles reproduce. Palmer...

Bogs and the Carbon Cycle

In today’s Academic Minute, Chapman University's Jason Keller explores how organisms alter one of life’s most fundamental processes in oxygen-poor...

Historic Sea Level Change

In today’s Academic Minute, the University of Pennsylvania's Ben Horton discusses what we know about sea level change over the...

Physics of a Falling Slinky

In today’s Academic Minute, the University of Sydney's Mike Wheatland examines the gravity-defying physics of a falling Slinky. Wheatland is...

Coral Damage and Growth

In today’s Academic Minute, the University at Buffalo's Howard Lasker explains how coral reefs respond to natural and man-made damage...

Measuring Intelligence in Wild Animals

In today’s Academic Minute, the University of St. Andrews's Sarah Benson-Amram compares the intelligence of wild animals to those socialized...

STEM Teaching Methods That Work

An Inside Higher Ed webinar with Steve Benton, senior researcher at The IDEA Center. Download the slide deck by clicking...