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Psychological Health and Family Meals

In today’s Academic Minute, McGill University's Frank Elgar examines the psychological benefits of making time for family meals. Elgar is...

Helping Students with Learning Disabilities Succeed

More and more students with learning disabilities are arriving at all kinds of colleges, and these students’ needs raise education...

Graveyards and Urban Parks

In today's Academic Minute, Cornell University's Aaron Sachs examines how many of America’s iconic urban parks had first lives as...

Killing Malaria

In today’s Academic Minute, Natalie Spillman of Washington University in St. Louis discusses research that points to an effective way...

Psychological Benefits of Giving

In today’s Academic Minute, the University of Buffalo's Michael Poulin makes the case that while offering a helping hand to...

Envy and Narcissism

In today’s Academic Minute, Iowa State University's Zlatan Krizan examines the role played by envy in creating a narcissistic personality...

Skin Color and Racism

In today’s Academic Minute, the University of North Florida's JeffriAnne Wilder explores the continued existence of colorism and skin tone...

Spirituality and Political Ideology

In today’s Academic Minute, the University of Toronto's Jacob Hirsh examines the connection between a person’s spirituality and political ideology...