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Mayan Agriculture

In today’s Academic Minute, the University of Cincinnati's David Lentz describes how a volcanic eruption has increased our knowledge of...

New Fish Species Discovered

In today’s Academic Minute, Donald Stewart of the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry examines...

Analyzing Digitized Literature

In today’s Academic Minute, the University of Sheffield's Vasileios Lampos discusses what detailed analysis of a period literature says about...

Novel Behavior and Evolution

In today’s Academic Minute, the University of Southern California's Michael Habib examines why rarely used behaviors can determine an animal’s...

Prenatal Sexism

In today’s Academic Minute, Michigan State University's Leah Lakdawala describes how technology is allowing sex discrimination to begin before birth...

End-of-Life Health Care Expenses

In today’s Academic Minute, Mount Sinai School of Medicine's Amy Kelley explores the average Medicare recipient’s medical expenses during the...

Is Depression Contagious?

In today’s Academic Minute, the University of Notre Dame's Gerald Haeffel explores why college students might be open to catching...

Jobs and College -- rerecording of Anthony Carnevale

Anthony Carnevale re-narrates the slide deck from our April 18 webinar, Jobs and College: What Really Matters. Download the accompanying...