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Are You Considering Test-Optional Admissions?

Eric Maguire says the results at his university validate what was first seen as an experiment.

Parents Want to Be Involved

EAB survey finds they want direct communication with colleges.

Limited Help From New College Board Tool

Study finds it helped (a bit) in admissions but had no impact on enrollments.

No Paywall for Taxpayer-Funded Research, U.S. Declares

White House mandates free, immediate public access to government-funded research. Many open-access advocates celebrate the decision, but some scholars wonder who will fund the policy.

Bringing Back Stop-Outs

Four University of California campuses are joining forces to boost enrollment by recruiting former UC students who left without completing a degree.

A Focus on Students, Not Their Scores

Lynn University finds that the personal focus of its admissions program works. New student enrollment is up 59 percent in the last 10 years.

Wisconsin Considers Direct Admissions

Board of Regents may try to reverse enrollment declines with the alternative to traditional admissions.

Affirmative Action Is Probably Dead: Now What?

Antar Tichavakunda and Suneal Kolluri review the options for those who worry about the Supreme Court’s possible decision.