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What’s Driving Debt

New paper finds that admissions and financial aid policies play a larger role than tuition prices do in driving student debt.

Think Outside 'The Box'

Students and counselors perceive a bias against Asian Americans in elite university admissions and say reticent college officials aren’t helping the situation.

Disappearing Liberal Arts Colleges

Study finds a significant decline over the last 20 years in number of institutions whose missions align with the sector.

Rallying Outside the Court

Hundreds of people gather on Supreme Court steps to demonstrate their support for the University of Texas and affirmative action.

Waiting for Fairness

As colleges' waitlists grow, admissions leaders debate just what rights applicants should have.

The Cost of Values

Changes in funding models are starting to shift what public colleges and universities value in the recruitment and admissions process, favoring well-prepared, affluent students over riskier picks.

A New Playbook

Admissions directors at public flagship universities seek to define best practices for the potentially problematic area of admissions exceptions for athletics.

A New Affirmative Action

A report out today argues that class-based college admissions policies would be an effective replacement for race-based affirmative action, which is at stake in an upcoming Supreme Court case.