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No Magic Bullet

In its first year, a much-touted "shopping sheet" to help new college students and their families appears to be having minimal impact.

Single Stop Before Graduation

For many needy college students, finishing degrees starts with applying for food stamps or filling out a federal tax form.

Crowdfunding Academic Research

In the face of increased competition and diminishing federal funding, some academic researchers are turning to crowdfunding platforms to raise money.

It's the Results, Stupid

Mitch Daniels says for-profit colleges are needed, at least ones that offer a quality, cost-effective product -- a standard he applies to the rest of higher education.

Tipping the Cap

New Colorado law – nominally about merit scholarships – is a backdoor way to let public universities enroll more out-of-state students without raising the state’s statutory cap on out-of-state students.

Remediation If You Want It

New Florida law lets high school graduates decide for themselves -- no testing needed -- whether they are ready for college-level work.

A Bigger Picture for Veteran Health

Taking a broader perspective on veterans' services can help those students better transition to and succeed in college, health officials argue.

Scrutiny of QS Rankings

QS runs one of three major global university rankings systems, but some question whether methodology is sound.