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Has Higher Ed Peaked?

Bryan Alexander suggests a thought experiment on trends that suggest tough times ahead for most colleges and universities.

'Undermatching' Pros and Cons

New study finds both positive and negative results of attending a less competitive college than where one might have enrolled.

Inflation Plus Whatever

Middlebury College gives itself a loophole in its plan linking tuition, room and board to inflation.

You're Admitted... Not

As more colleges send emails telling rejected applicants they have been admitted, some admissions officers share what they learned from their mistakes.

Front Line Instructors

Writing professors find themselves playing a critical and unexpected role in the education of veterans.

Ratings or Rankings?

A new paper by the American Council on Education says the Obama administration's ratings proposal is likely to lead to the same negative consequences as college rankings.

Starting All Over Again

Community college students who transfer to a four-year institution have good odds of earning a bachelor's degree, new research finds, unless they lose credits in the transfer process.

Talk About Class

Colleges that want first-generation college students to thrive need to talk -- in supportive ways -- about the realities of social class in America and in higher education, write Nicole M. Stephens, MarYam G. Hamedani and Mesmin Destin.