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Remediation for Job Seekers

Employers and community colleges team up to design new courses and alternative credentials that attempt to close the skills gap by better preparing students for jobs.

The SAT's 5-Minute Mess-Up

After finding that some students received extra time on one of two sections of the test, College Board announces it won't score those sections.

Poor Grades From the Public

National poll gives low marks to the college selection process, with parents saying institutions aren't doing enough to place graduates in jobs and the value of degrees has dropped sharply over the past decade.

Diversity in the Student Body

"Diversity in the Student Body" is a print-on-demand booklet focusing on demographic and legal issues and the strategies used by...

Corporations Go to College

Confidence and competition are leading more companies to offer their employees tuition assistance benefits. Can higher education capitalize on the opportunity to increase enrollments?

New Website for a New Test

College Board will offer new version of SAT for the first time next spring, and it is working with the popular and free Khan Academy to offer intensive online resources to help students prepare.

Indicted for Cheating

15 Chinese nationals face charges of an elaborate scheme in which those showing up for standardized admissions tests were not who they said they were -- or who their passports said they were.

Unfair Admissions Criteria?

Study finds colleges are considering high school disciplinary records, largely without policies about when such information is relevant.