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SAT's Racial Impact

Study finds that for applicants to U of California, race and ethnicity now influence scores more than family income and parental education levels. Could findings change debate over affirmative action?

Coalition Backlash

More than 100 college counselors at Jesuit high schools urge group seeking to reform admissions process to rethink its plans and push back scheduled start for new system.

The Costs of Publish or Perish

Study suggests that publication pressures lead to more familiar -- and more likely to be published -- research, at the expense of innovation.

Are These Slides Classified?

Purdue expunges presentation on Edward Snowden because leaked information on three slides is still technically classified.

Grand Challenges All Around

Big, ideas-oriented research is exciting, but will recent, costly initiatives live up to the hype?

A Nuanced Look at (Some) 2-Year Students

Study finds significant variation in academic preparation of traditional-age students at different community colleges, and seeks to explain graduation rate gap between 2- and 4-year colleges.

Army U

The U.S. Army will model its newly consolidated approach to educational programs on traditional higher education, in part to help soldiers get more college credits for their military experience.

Coalition of the Willing or the Wealthy?

Admissions leaders are divided about effort by leading colleges to offer new application and create platform for high school students to prepare for higher education and document their work.