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The Week in Admissions News

"Demonstrated interest" as another advantage for the wealthy; education for "good jobs," parental help on applications; more.

How Chief Business Officers View Discount Rates

Concern is greater at private than public colleges, but most aren’t expecting to bring the rates down.

Irvine Revokes 500 Admissions Offers

Many suspect they are being punished for the university ending up with a much larger than expected freshman class.

Frogs in the Wrong Ponds, Tiger Mothers and the ‘Best’ College

Study suggests that many -- especially those with Asian backgrounds -- may not realize that best fit may not be most prestigious institution. Can counselors challenge preconceptions?

Uncertainty on Trump's Transgender Order

Military academies have had transgender students, but impact of president's shift is unknown.

Another Edge for the Wealthy

Many colleges favor applicants who show "demonstrated interest" -- and the way they measure it puts those without money at a disadvantage, study finds.

College Degrees Lead to 'Good Jobs'

Associate and four-year degrees lead to a growing share of well-paying jobs, study finds, as struggles increase for workers with only a high school credential.

Ready to Go Expat?

Britain, Canada, France and Germany all launch funding programs to recruit foreign researchers. Will they succeed in capitalizing on perceptions of the U.S. as a less attractive place for research?