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Ethical College Admissions: Efficiency vs. Making the Right Call

Jim Jump wonders if speed should really be a factor in reviewing applications.

The Week in Admissions News

Humanities grads are employed and like their work; questioning use of metrics in admissions; free tuition program at Madison; "Macron effect."

Why a College Ended Admissions by Test Score

A few dozen students a year who were meeting the SAT requirement were in the bottom half of their high school classes and didn't perform well in college.

Suicide Note Calls Out Pressure on Students

Death of a 16-year-old at a competitive high school in California leaves many asking whether too much is being asked of students.

Junk-News Junkies

Oxford report renders as charts and correlations something that would otherwise go undoubted: that a well-funded and well-organized hard-right political movement has forged its own media system, writes Scott McLemee.

Dropping the D

Transfer rates at North Carolina's Stanly Community College increased after the college made the simple grading change of no longer awarding D's.

Publication by Design

Two major journals experiment with "registered reports," agreeing to publish articles based on their design and potential significance, not their results. Could this be a model for others, and one solution to the reproducibility crisis?

Are We Turning the Tide?

Leonard J. DeLorenzo questions whether the college admissions system is addressing its problems.