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Why Competitive Engineering College Is Latest to Drop SAT Subject Tests

Webb finds its own assessments better predict success in the first year.

Veterans Blast GOP Bill as Giveaway to For-Profits

Veterans’ organizations add their voices to the chorus of college groups opposing House Republicans’ overhaul of the Higher Education Act.

Forging New Territory Online

Eloy Ortiz Oakley says California’s online community college will be a better public alternative to for-profit colleges for the “stranded workers” traditional college systems struggle to serve.

College Board Changes Rules on PSAT Test Booklets

Those who take the test on Saturday will no longer be able to take their booklets with them.

Will Master's Gains Come at Expense of the M.B.A.?

New data suggest one-year programs in finance and related fields may be poised for gains.

Harvard Drops SAT Essay as Requirement

Many other colleges have already dropped the requirement.

Transfer Matters More Than Ever

It's never been more important for college leaders and policy makers to value the role of community college transfer programs, despite President Trump's recent suggestions to the contrary, write Stephen Handel and Eileen Strempel.

Ethical College Admissions: The Smell Test

Jim Jump wants more scrutiny of policies of big-time basketball programs -- and of college admissions offices.