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What Applicants Want in Part-Time M.B.A. Programs

Many seem willing to trade away some flexibility for the benefits of cohorts, study finds.

Making the Case for Test Optional

New study finds that ending SAT and ACT requirements results in more applications and more diversity -- without any decline in graduation rates.

Passing on Koch

Montana State's Faculty Senate narrowly votes down proposed economics research center to be funded by an active Charles Koch Foundation grant.

Pentagon on PROSPER

As Republicans seek support for their controversial legislation to update the Higher Education Act, a Pentagon document gives ammo to critics over the bill's plan to end Public Service Loan Forgiveness.

Social Media as 'Fair Game' in Admissions

Survey finds that majority of college officials and students think it is legitimate to examine applicants' social media accounts. But declining numbers do so.

Seeking Rural Applicants and Perhaps Ideological Diversity

Warren Wilson sees success in part of strategy to make campus more welcoming to conservative students. Swarthmore expands recruiting.

Ethical College Admissions: Rethinking the Rec Letter

Jim Jump wonders if they are serving applicants and colleges as they should.

Research in the Humanities: Who’s Counting?

As humanists, to make an impression inside our institutions and in the outside world, we need to do a much better job of counting the support our faculty members receive to pursue their work, argues George Justice.